Florida now refers to custody orders as parenting plans. A parenting plan puts more of the focus on the needs of the children as opposed to the rights of the parents. The law in Florida imposes numerous requirements on adults establishing parenting plans. Their...
Your Legal Advocate In Family Law Matters
Communication rules are key to effective parenting plans
In Florida, parents who divorce or separate are generally required to establish parenting plans. These documents typically include information about the overall breakdown of parenting time. They also provide structure for when adults have to make decisions about their...
Avoiding “present traps” when co-parenting at Christmas
If you’re recently separated or divorced parent, you may be secretly dreading the upcoming Christmas season for several reason – not the least of which is trying to make sure that you and your co-parent don’t end up in an all-out war over gifts for the kids. This is a...
What Floridians should know about durational alimony
If it feels like Florida politicians have been arguing about alimony for years, it is because they have. Debates over ending permanent alimony have continued over numerous legislative sessions as well as the tenures of multiple governors. This summer, Gov. Ron...
Is it a good idea to stay together for the kids?
One common dilemma that parents face is whether to forego divorce to offer their kids a two-parent household or to exit their toxic union in the hopes that the short-term chaos inspired by divorce will be outweighed by a healthier, happier dual-household situation...
Who has the final say about the distribution of marital assets?
If marriage is the process of legally combining someone's life with the life of their spouse, then divorce is about separating spouses’ daily lived experiences and finances from one another. It can be very difficult for those who have spent years sharing a home and...
What happens when one parent doesn’t uphold their custody order?
Sharing custody in Florida means trying to work together when making important decisions about the children and committing to a time-sharing arrangement. Florida custody orders typically grant both parents some degree of authority regarding major decisions for the...
Breaking stereotypes: Does gender matter in child custody cases?
Historically, traditional gender roles played a significant role in determining custody outcomes, with mothers typically assumed to be the primary caregivers for many decades. It was common for courts to award primary custody to mothers based on the assumption that...
Do you have to divide your 401(k) when you divorce?
Couples that are preparing for divorce may agree about the fact that their marriage is effectively over, but that is often the only agreement they can reach. Divorcing spouses often fight bitterly over everything from support and timesharing plans to the division of...
Custody and the disabled child: What to consider
Even parents in intact relationships can struggle to manage a severely disabled child’s care. When each parent is faced with the prospect of handling the child’s needs on their own after a romantic breakup, the struggle can become genuinely overwhelming. Custody and...